Eisenstein Series on Kac-Moody Groups
and Applications to Physics
November 12 - 20, 2015 / Rm. 1114, KIAS, Seoul, Korea

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Eisenstein series play an important role in the theory of automorphic forms on reductive groups. They are essential in Langlands program, in particular, spectral decomposition, Arthur trace formula, and Langlands-Shahidi method of studying automorphic L-functions. On the other hand, Kac-Moody groups are infinite dimensional groups, and only recently there have been attempts to define Eisenstein series and automorphic forms on Kac-Moody groups which found an application in string theory in physics. We hope to bring together experts in Eisenstein series and Kac-Moody groups and string theory.
Special Lecturers
Henry H. Kim (Toronto)
Axel Kleinschmidt (Max Planck--AEI)
Kyu-Hwan Lee (UConn)
Dongwen Liu (Zhejiang)
Manish Patnaik (Alberta)
Invited Speakers
Eisenstein series play an important role in the theory of automorphic forms on reductive groups. They are essential in Langlands program, in particular, spectral decomposition, Arthur trace formula, and Langlands-Shahidi method of studying automorphic L-functions. On the other hand, Kac-Moody groups are infinite dimensional groups, and only recently there have been attempts to define Eisenstein series and automorphic forms on Kac-Moody groups which found an application in string theory in physics. We hope to bring together experts in Eisenstein series and Kac-Moody groups and string theory.
Special Lecturers
Henry H. Kim (Toronto)
Axel Kleinschmidt (Max Planck--AEI)
Kyu-Hwan Lee (UConn)
Dongwen Liu (Zhejiang)
Manish Patnaik (Alberta)
Invited Speakers
Guillaume Bossard (Ecole Polytechnique)
Dohoon Choi (Korea Aerospace)
Philipp Fleig (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques)
Solomon Friedberg (Boston College)
Stéphane Gaussent (Université Jean Monnet)
Dihua Jiang (Minnesota)
Chang Heon Kim (Sungkyunkwan)
Henry H. Kim (Toronto)
Axel Kleinschmidt (Max Planck--AEI)
Kyu-Hwan Lee (UConn)
Dongwen Liu (Zhejiang)
Sergey Oblezin (Nottingham)
Manish Patnaik (Alberta)
Daniel Persson (Chalmers)
Guy Rousseau (Université de Lorraine)
Ian Whitehead (Minnesota)
Chenyan Wu (Fudan)
Yichao Zhang (Harbin)
Yongchang Zhu (HKUST)
Henry H. Kim (Toronto)
Axel Kleinschmidt (Max Planck--AEI)
Kyu-Hwan Lee (UConn)
Stephen D. Miller (Rutgers)
E. cmc@kias.re.kr
P. +82. 2. 958. 3747
Dohoon Choi (Korea Aerospace)
Philipp Fleig (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques)
Solomon Friedberg (Boston College)
Stéphane Gaussent (Université Jean Monnet)
Dihua Jiang (Minnesota)
Chang Heon Kim (Sungkyunkwan)
Henry H. Kim (Toronto)
Axel Kleinschmidt (Max Planck--AEI)
Kyu-Hwan Lee (UConn)
Dongwen Liu (Zhejiang)
Sergey Oblezin (Nottingham)
Manish Patnaik (Alberta)
Daniel Persson (Chalmers)
Guy Rousseau (Université de Lorraine)
Ian Whitehead (Minnesota)
Chenyan Wu (Fudan)
Yichao Zhang (Harbin)
Yongchang Zhu (HKUST)
Henry H. Kim (Toronto)
Axel Kleinschmidt (Max Planck--AEI)
Kyu-Hwan Lee (UConn)
Stephen D. Miller (Rutgers)
E. cmc@kias.re.kr
P. +82. 2. 958. 3747