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Invited Speakers :
1. Boucksom, Sebastien (Paris):
An introduction to Okounkov bodies
2. Guedj, Vincent (Toulouse):
Geometry and Topology of the space of Kaehler metrics
3. Jonsson, Mattias (Michigan):
An introduction on Berkovich spaces
4. Zeriahi, Ahmed (Toulouse):
Stability of solutions to degenerate complex Monge-Ampère equations
Organizer :
Mihai Paun (KIAS, Korea)
* Contact : Kangwoon Lee (kwlee@kias.re.kr)

1. Boucksom, Sebastien (Paris):
An introduction to Okounkov bodies
2. Guedj, Vincent (Toulouse):
Geometry and Topology of the space of Kaehler metrics
3. Jonsson, Mattias (Michigan):
An introduction on Berkovich spaces
4. Zeriahi, Ahmed (Toulouse):
Stability of solutions to degenerate complex Monge-Ampère equations
Organizer :
Mihai Paun (KIAS, Korea)
* Contact : Kangwoon Lee (kwlee@kias.re.kr)