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Date: February 27 - March 03, 2017
Place: 5th Floor, 1503, KIAS

We have a limited amount of funds available to help support graduate students, postdocs and junior mathematicians who may wish to attend the conference at the Institute. Please send your CV, research statement and a letter from a mathematician (your advisor for students) who knows your work to Mounir Nisse (nisse at kias dot re dot kr). The deadline for submission is December 24, 2016.

Courses and Seminar talks Description
The goal of this conference and winter school, aimed at Master and Ph.D. students, as well as researchers in mathematics, is to introduce the audience to tropical geometry, Mirror symmetry and Gel'fand-Kapranov-Zelevinski A-philosophy and beyond. As we know, tropical geometry is a recent area of mathematics that can be seen as a limiting aspect (or "degeneration") of algebraic geometry. Where complex curves viewed as Riemann surfaces turn to metric graphs (one dimensional combinatorial object), and n-dimensional complex varieties turn to n-dimensional polyhedral complexes with some properties. The classical theory of hypergeometric functions was developed by I.M. Gelfand, M. Kapranov and A.V. Zelevinsky. They discovered some combinatorial geometric objects, called the secondary polytopes, prevailing hypergeometric functions and discriminant polynomials in singularity theory and amply used in mirror symmetry. The purpose of this conference will be to present aspects of mirror symmetry, tropical, non-Archimedean geometry, and GKZ A-philosophy with an emphasis on some connections between these three topics. More precisely, it will consist of three self-contained mini-courses accessible to non-experts, including graduate students (some background in algebraic geometry will be assumed).
The conference will be supplemented by seminar talks. The topics of the courses will be on mirror symmetry, GKZ A-philosophy, tropical geometry (tropical homology, tropical intersection theory, and enumerative geometry in its classical and tropical aspect). Each course is an introduction to its corresponding topic. Courses and talks will be given by the world-renowned experts in the area. The participants will also have the opportunity to discuss with experts of their research work related to the theme of the school. The school will have English as official languages. The applications range from mathematical physics to enumerative geometry, Gromov-Witten and Welshinger invariants passing through algebraic statistics.

We invite you to register by submitting online before December 25th 2016 the registration form that you will find on this web page.

A. Lecture series given by:

      - Mohammed Abouzaid (Columbia University)
      - Ilia Itenberg (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6)
      - Jens Forsgaard (Texas A&M University)

B. Seminar talks given by:
      - Cheol Hyun Cho (SNU, Seoul)
      - Yong-Geun Oh (IBS & POSTECH)
      - Helge Ruddat (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitt Mainz)
      - Frank Sottile (Texas A&M University)
      - Ilia Zharkov (Kansas State University)                                
      - Bumsig Kim (KIAS, Seoul)
      - Young Rock Kim (HUFS, Seoul)
      - Mounir Nisse (KIAS, Seoul)