2014 Summer School on Active Systems June 22 - July 4, 2014 |
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whose dynamics are manifested over a broad spectrum of length and time scales, are driven systems. Because active systems are maintained in non-equilibrium steady states without relaxing to equilibrium, conventional approaches based on equilibrium statistical thermodynamics are inadequate to describe the dynamics. The focus of the "2014 Summer School on Active Systems" will be on the: (1) molecular and physical properties; (2) collective behavior of active systems. The overall goal is to promote better understanding of the physical principles underlying active materials and living organisms.
Active systems,
The lectures in the school will cover
o Date: June 22 - July 4, 2014
(Registration Deadline: April 15, 2014; Registration limited to 50~60 people)
o Venue: GIST, South Korea
o Organizers: