Algebraic Geometry Lectures for Graduate Students

Recent Trends and Challenging Problems


Date: Dec. 5 ~ Dec. 6, 2014 / Place: KIAS Rm. 1503, Seoul, Korea

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This KIAS workshop has been organized for third and fourth year undergraduates and first year Master's students interested in studying algebraic geometry. The program is composed of one-hour sessions, where experts in the field will give talks on recent developments and challenges in their subejcts of study.

*The banquet (Dec. 5th) and the lunch (Dec. 6th) will be provided.

Invited Speakers
Jun-Muk Hwang (KIAS)
Young-Hoon Kiem (Seoul National University)
Bumsig Kim (KIAS)
Sijong Kwak (KAIST)
Kyungyong Lee (Wayne State University & KIAS CMC)
Yongnam Lee (KAIST)
Jihun Park (IBS & POSTECH)
JongHae Keum (KIAS CMC)
Seonja Kim (Chungwoon University)
Sijong Kwak (KAIST)
Tel: +82. 2. 958. 2577