Complex Geometry Conference 

-- in honor of Ngaiming Mok’s 60th birthday--


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Monday (October 17)
10:00-10:50 Demailly "Extension of holomorphic sections defined on non reduced analytic subvarieties"
11:10-12:00 Zhou "Multiplier ideal sheaves and optimal L^2 extensions"
14:00-14:50 Klingler "Hodge theory and atypical intersections"
15:10-16:00 Ng "Holomorphic Isometries among bounded domains"
16:20-17:10 Koziarz
"Volume of complex hyperbolic structures on moduli spaces of genus zero curves"

Tuesday (October 18)
10:00-10:50 Phong "Strominger systems and anomaly flows"
11:10-12:00 Chang "On heat kernels for the Heisenberg subLaplacian and the Grushin operator"
14:00-14:50 Hong "Pseudoconcavity of flag domains"
15:10-16:00 Fu "Isotrivial VMRT-structures of complete intersection type"
16:20-17:10 Grushevsky
"Closures of loci of meromorphic differentials on Riemann surfaces with prescribed zeroes and poles"

Wednesday (October 19)
09:30-10:20 Mabuchi "Polybalanced metrics associated to extremal K"ahler metrics"
10:35-11:25 Keller "Donaldson's J-flow and G.I.T stability"
11:40-12:30 Ho
"Results related to the CR Yamabe problem"

Thursday (October 20)
09:30-10:20 Ein "Measures of irrationality for hypersuraces of large degree"
10:35-11:25 Sun "Étale fundamental group and D-modules in characteristic p > 0"
11:40-12:30 Tan "Birational invariants of a differential equation on an algebraic surface"
14:00-14:50 Oguiso "On primitive birational automorphisms of odd dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds"
15:10-16:00 Dinh "Equidistribution of periodic points in complex dynamics"
Eyssidieux / Mok

Friday (October 21)
09:30-10:20 Huang "Bergman-Einstein metric on a strongly pseudoconvex domain"
10:35-11:25 Falbel "Configurations of flags on orbits of real forms"
11:40-12:30 Ullmo
"Algebraic and Holomorphic Flows on Hermitian Locally Symmetric Spaces"