The Langlands correspondencein arithmetic and geometry
Date: August 1 ~ 5, 2016 Place: Rm. 1503, KIAS |
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Speaker: Ana Caraiani (Princeton / Bonn)
Title: Shimura varieties, perfectoid spaces and torsion classes
Abstract: The goal of this mini-course is to describe Shimura varieties from the point of view of p-adic analytic geometry and p-adic Hodge theory. I will focus on the geometry of the Hodge-Tate period morphism, which reduces us to understanding a much simpler geometric object, the associated flag variety. I will start by giving some background on Scholze’s proof that Siegel modular varieties with infinite p-power level are perfectoid and on the construction of the Hodge-Tate period morphism in this case. I will then explain how to extend the Hodge-Tate period morphism to Shimura varieties of Hodge type, how to define a Newton stratification on the flag variety, and how to compute the fibers of the morphism over individual Newton strata. I will end by explaining how the Hodge-Tate period morphism can be used to understand torsion classes in the cohomology of Shimura varieties or more general locally symmetric spaces. The mini-course will rely primarily on joint work with Peter Scholze.
- References:
1) Scholze, On torsion in the cohomology of locally symmetric varieties. Ann. of Math. (2) 182 (2015), no. 3, 945–1066
2) Caraiani and Scholze,On the generic part of the cohomology of compact unitary Shimura varieties
3) Morel, Construction de representations galoisiennes de torsion, Seminaire Bourbaki 2014-15, no. 1102
4) Weinstein, Reciprocity laws and Galois representations: recent breakthroughs. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 53 (2016), no. 1, 1–39
Speaker: Laurent Fargues (Jussieu)
Title: Geometrization of the local Langlands correspondence
Abstract: In these talks I will give an introduction to my geometrization conjecture of the local Langlands correspondence. I will focus on the GL_1 case explaining how one can use geometric Langlands techniques to prove the conjecture in this case giving a new proof of local class field theory. I will try to state the conjecture in its full generality at the end.
Speaker: Marie-France Vigneras (Jussieu)
Title: Modular representations of p-adic groups
Abstract: We will give an overview of the modulo p representation theory of finite and p-adic reductive groups, with several examples.
- Basic notions:
1) Bushnell and Henniart: The Local Langlands conjecture for GL(2), Chapters 1, 2,3,
2) Cabanes, Enguehard: Representation theory of finite reductive groups, Chapter 6, sections 6.1, 6.2.
3) Vigneras: The pro-p-Iwahori Hecke algebra of a reductive p-adic group I.
- References:
1) Abe, Henniart, Herzig, Vigneras: A classification of irreducible modulo p representations of p-adic reductive groups.
Speaker: Zhiwei Yun (Stanford)
Title: Intersection numbers and higher derivatives of L-functions for function fields
Abstract: In joint work with Wei Zhang, we prove a higher derivative analogue of the Waldspurger formula and the Gross-Zagier formula in the function field setting under some unramifiedness assumptions. Our formula relates the self-intersection number of certain cycles on the moduli of Shtukas for GL(2) to higher derivatives of automorphic L-functions for GL(2). In the first talk, I will give motivation and the statement of the formula; in the second talk, I will explain some geometric ideas in the proof of the formula.
Speaker: Xinyi Yuan (Berkeley)
Title: Introduction to the Colmez conjecture
Abstract: The goal of this series of talks is to present some recent developments of the Colmez conjecture about Faltings heights of abelian varieties with complex multiplication. In the first talk, I will introduce the Colmez conjecture, including its averaged version recently proved by Yuan--Zhang and Andreatta--Goren--Howard--Madapusi-Pera. In the second talk, I will introduce the application of the averaged Colmez conjecture to the Andre--Oort conjecture by Tsimerman. In the third talk, I will sketch the proof of the averaged Colmez conjecture by Yuan--Zhang.