CMC Distinguished Lecture Series by Terence Tao




Date : June 15-16, 2017 / Place : Fusion Hall, KI B/D, KAIST, Daejeon

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KAIST 오시는 길 일반정보

북대전 IC
북대전 IC 진출 후 삼거리에서 유성·대덕연구개발특구 방면으로 좌회전 → 화암네거리에서 직진 → 도룡삼거리(대덕과학문화센터 앞)에서 시청·정부청사방면으로 우회전 → 과학공원네거리에서 유성·과학기술원 방면으로 우회전 → 구성삼거리에서 약700m 직진 -> KAIST 정문

유성 IC
유성 IC 진출 후 유성 IC 삼거리에서 우회전 → 월드컵네거리에서 충남대학교 방면으로 우회전 → 궁동네거리에서 직진 후 지하차도 옆길 진입 → 충대정문오거리에서 좌측방향 직진 → 유성구청 → KAIST 정문

대중교통 이용시
- 버스 : 유성금호고속터미널 하차 후 택시 이용(총거리 : 약3.14km, 소요시간 : 약10분)
- 기차 : 대전역 도착후 지하철 이용 -> 월평역 하차 -> 택시 이용(총거리 : 약1.7km, 소요시간 : 약5분) 
※ 월평역 E-mart Traders 맞은편 KAIST 셔틀버스 승강장에서 무료셔틀 이용가능(셔틀버스 이용시간은 셔틀버스 안내 참조)

  • 동부고속 / 시외버스터미널(약 40분) : 602번 버스-> 604번 버스(환승)
    • 고속버스 터미널 앞 큰길 오른편 파출소를 지나 노블레스 웨딩홀 앞에서 602번 버스 승차
      ->용문역 하차 후 604번 버스 승차(환승)
  • 유성 금호고속터미널 (약 10분) : 104번 버스 
    ->SK Energy 방향으로 나와 큰길 오른편으로 청양빌딩 앞에서 승차
  • 유성시외버스터미널 (약 10분) : 121번 버스, 5번 마을버스

대전역에서 지하철 이용시
  • -대전역에서 지하철 (약 30분) 대전역->월평역(KAIST역)
    • -지하철역 셔틀버스 운행(월평(KAIST)역)
      • -운행일 : 평일만 운행(공휴일, 토요일, 일요일 제외)
      • 지하철 노선도
    • *월평(KAIST)역 출발 시간표 : 월평역 출발 → KAIST 도착
      • 08:28(출근버스), 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00
      • 승차 장소 : 월평역 3번 출구 → 50m → 버스 정류장 옆
    • *KAIST 출발 시간표 : KAIST 출발 → 월평역 운행
      • 09:40, 10:40, 11:40, 12:40, 13:40, 14:40, 15:40, 16:40, 18:00(퇴근버스)
      • 승차 장소 : 대강당(E15 건물) 앞→교육지원동(W8 건물)옆 Information Center 앞→오리연못(정문쪽)앞

대전역에서 버스 이용시
  • 대전역에서 버스 (약 40분) : 606번 버스->104번(KAIST정문),604번(KAIST 후문하차) (환승)
    • 역 광장을 나와 오른편으로 300m 이동, 신안과 앞에서 606번 승차 -> 서구보건소에서 내려 환승


How to get to KAIST

< By Car>

** North Daejeon IC

Estimated Time: Approximately 25 minutes

After exiting from North Daejeon IC, make a left at the three-way intersection towards Yoosung/Dadeok Innopolis → Go straight at the Hwaam four-way intersection → Make a right at the Doryong three-way intersection(in front of the Daedok Science and Cultural Center) towards City Hall and Daejeon Government Complex → Make a right at the Science Park four-way intersection toward Yoosung/KAIST → Go straight for about 700m from Goosung three-way intersection -> Arrive at KAIST main gate.

** Yoosung IC

Estimated Time: Approximately 20 minutes

After exiting Yoosung IC make a right at Yoosung IC three-way intersection → Make a right towards Choongnam National University at World Cup Stadium four-way intersection → After going straight at Goong-dong four-way intersection, merge right onto the road and avoid underpass → Make a slight left at the main entrance of Choongnam National University five-way intersection → Pass Yoosung District Office → Arrive at KAIST main gate.

** Sintanjin IC

Estimated Time : Approxmiately 30 minutes

After exiting Sintanjin IC make a right towards Daejeon Train Station (Daejeon Government Complex) → Make a right onto the Gapchun intercity expressway → Merge right on Gapchun intercity expressway towards Jungni-dong (Wonchon-dong) → Make a right on Gapchun intercity expressway towards City Hall → Make a left at Wonchon three-way intersection towards Expo Science Par → Go straight for about 700m from Goosung three-way intersection → Arrive at KAIST main gate.

< By public transportation >

  • -Bus : After arriving at Yoosung Kumho Express Bus Terminal, take a taxi (Total distance: 3.14km Estimated Time: approximately 10 minutes).
  • -Train : After arriving at Daejeon Train Station, use the subway → Get off at Wolpyeong Station → Take a Taxi (Total Distance : approximately 1.7km, Estimated Time: approximately 5 minutes).

※ You may use the free shuttle bus to KAIST, located across the street from Wolpyeong station E-mart Traders at the shuttle bus stand (Refer to the Shuttle Bus Guide for the shuttle bus schedule).

** If coming by subway from Daejeon Station

By subway from Daejeon Station (about 30 minutes) : Daejeon Station → Wolpyeong Station (KAIST Station)

Shuttle bus from Wolpyeong (KAIST) Station is available
  • Operating Days: Only on weekdays (excluding weekends and holidays)
Shuttle Departure Schedule from Wolpyeong (KAIST) Station to KAIST
  • 08:28, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00
  • Boarding Location: Walk 50m from Wolpyeong Station Exit 3 → Next to bus stop
Shuttle Departure Schedule from KAIST to Wolpyeong (KAIST) Station
  • 09:40, 10:40, 11:40, 12:40, 13:40, 14:40, 15:40, 16:40, 18:00(Bus work)
  • Boarding Location: In front of Main Auditorium (E15)→ In front of the Information Center, next to the Education Support Building (W8)→ In front of Duck Pont (near main gate)

    ** If coming by bus


  • > Daejeon Government Complex Intercity Bus Terminal (Estimated Time: 10 minutes)
    • Use the taxi stand next to the bus terminal.
  • > Yoosung Kumho Express Bus Terminal (Estimated Time: approximately 10 minutes)
    • Take a to get to campus.
  • > Yoosung Intercity Bus Terminal (Estimated Time: approximately 10 minutes)
    • Use the taxi stand across from the bus terminal.


  • > Daejeon Government Complex Intercity Bus Terminal (Estimated Time: approximately 20 minutes)
    • Board Bus #604 at the Daejeon Government Complex West Gate Bus Stop → Get off across the street from KAIST East Gate at the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety bus stop.
  • > Yoosung Intercity Bus Terminal (Estimated Time: approximately 35 minutes)
    • Board Bus #121 across the street from the bus terminal at the Yoosung Intercity Bus Terminal Bus Stop → Get off at KAIST Main Gate.