Open KIAS Institute

2014 KIAS-SNU Physics Winter Camp


February 09(Sun) - 16(Sun), 2014

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Lecture Notes

● Symmetry, Symmetry Breaking, and Goldstone Theorem
     - 이준규(서울대학교)

● Physics of Goldstone Bosons in Condensed Matter System
     - 방윤규(전남대학교)

● Superconductor, Higgs Mechanism, and Higgs Particle
     - 이기명(고등과학원)

● Topological Defects, Solitons, and Instantons
     - 이필진(고등과학원)

● Topological Ideas in Condensed Matter System
     - 유재준(서울대학교)

● Search for Dark Matter
     - 박성찬(성균관대학교)

● Spin Wave: Goldstone Boson in Quantum Magnets
     - 박제근(서울대학교)