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We are happy to announce the 1st KIAS-NCTS workshop which is a succession of the YongPyong workshop. Following its tradition the workshop aims to bring together experimentalists and theorists in the fields of particle physics, string theory and cosmology to summarize important progresses of the year and discuss future directions. We particularly encourage active participation by junior researchers and students.
We gratefully acknowledge the support from CQueST, Yonsei IPAP and BK21, and World Scientific.

Invited speakers  

Y.D. Kim (IBS), Y. Semertzidis (IBS), K. Choi (IBS),
Y.Y. Song (KASI), M. Hazumi (KEK), C.R. Chen (NTNU), C.K. Chua (CYCU),
C.W. Chiang (NCU), X.G. He (NTU), K. Lee (KIAS), S.J. Hyun (Yonsei),
P. Ko (KIAS), J. O. Gong (APCTP), U.K. Yang (SNU),
Antonio De Felice (NU), Soo-Bong Kim (SNU), Cai-Dian Lu (IHEP)
and more

Sponsored by CQUeST, Yonsei IPAP and BK21, and World Scientific