Program | Home > Program |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | |
EJ Chun | P Ko | HM Lee | JO Gong | WI Park | B Lee | |
8:30 - 11:30 | K Choi (40) YD Kim (40) Break (20) CD Lu (40) XG He (30) |
YH Ahn (25) J Chang (25) CF Chang (25) Break (20) R Dhir (25) S Gupta (25) |
HB Kim (40) UK Yang (30) Break (20) WJ Lee (30) HS Min (30) K Lee (30) |
HM Lee (30) Break (20) S Baek (30) WI Park (30) C Yu (30) |
S Kuwakino (25) RH Li (25) CT Lu (25) Break (20) TT Nguyen (25) C Park (25) N Sharma (25) |
CR Chen (30) S Seo (40) Break (20) P Ko (30) CW Chiang (30) |
11:30 - 12:30 | Lunch | |||||
17:30 - 18:30 | Dinner | Banquet | Dinner | |||
CW Chiang | SJ Hyun | XG He | C Yu | |||
18:30 - 21:30 | De Felice (50) Olsen (30) Break (20) CK Chua (30) HD Kim (30) |
W Lee (25) H Nakajima (25) YS Jeong (25) Break (20) DW Jung (25) S Jung (25) S Kumar (25) AL Kuo (25) |
M Hazumi (50) Y Song (40) Break (20) JO Gong (40) QG Huang (30) |
P Sharma (25) Y Tang (25) K Yagyu (25) Break (20) Y Yook (25) YW Yoon (25) SF Li (25) Enkhbat (25) |
10th (Mon)
08:30 - 11:30
K. Choi (IBS), SUSY with axions after the first run of the LHC
Low scale SUSY and the QCD axion are still the most compelling candidates for new physics beyond the SM. In this talk, we discuss the present status of SUSY after the first run of the LHC, while focusing on SUSY models with PQ-symmetry which originates from an anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry. Taking the minimal fine-tuning as a guideline, we are led to consider a specific low energy limit of such models, yielding PQ-invariant singlet-extension of the MSSM in which the PQ-breaking sector provides an attractive solution to both the mu-problem and the cosmological moduli problem. We examine also the structure of SUSY-breaking soft terms in the model, and note that flavor-universal soft masses arise in a natural manner through the U(1) D-term and the gauge mediation involving the PQ-breaking sector.
Y.D. Kim (IBS), The status of WIMP search and CUP program.
I would like to review the current status of direct search for WIMPs. The focus will be on the low mass WIMPs with comparisons between experiments. The programs of the Center for Underground Physics to search WIMPs will be described and preliminary results will be presented. Future prospects for WIMP search experiments will be discussed.
C.D. Lu (IHEP), Study B decays with a tensor meson in the final states in perturbative QCD
CW Chiang (NCU), Dark Matter in Models with Discrete Symmetry
In view of ongoing measurements of the Higgs boson at the LHC and direct searches for dark matter, we explore the possibility of accommodating the potential results in a simple new-physics model with discrete gauge symmetry. We consider both Abelian and non-Abelian extensions of the SM. Specifically, we study collider and relicdensity constraints on the new gauge coupling, predict the cross section of the dark matter scattering off nucleons, and compare it with current direct search data. We find allowed parameter regions that can be probed by future direct searches for dark matter and LHC searches for new particles.
18:30 - 21:30
De Felice (YITP / Kyoto U), Modified gravity models in cosmology
I will review the cosmological implications for recent modified gravity models proposed in the literature, including: f(R), Galileons and massive gravity models.
Olsen (SNU), A New Spectroscopy of Hadrons
The number of observed non-qqbar hadrons, including electrically charged charmoniumlike & bottomoniumlike mesons continues to increase. A number of these states are close to the pseudoscalar-vector meson (DDbar* & BBbar*) mass thresholds. For a number of these states, the JP quantum numbers have been shown to be 1+, which would correspond to diquark-diantiquark or large-scattering-length DD* (or BB*) resonant states or mixtures of these two configurations. Recent experimental results on newly observed states and there properties will be reviewed.
CK Chua (CYCU), Charmless two-body baryonic B decays
HD Kim (SNU), What we can learn from ACME and muon g-2 experiment on supersymmetry?
Recent null data from ACME for electron electric dipole moment indicate that either weak scale supersymmetry is not there or new CP phase is extremely suppressed. If CP phase is order one, it has a serious conflict with muon g-2 measurement in supersymmetry. In this talk, a few options are suggested to accommodate two experiments and the Higgs mass at the same time which can be used as a good guideline for future model building for supersymmetric theories.
11th (Tue)
08:30 - 11:30
YH Ahn (KIAS), Hint for a fundamental theory and phenomenological implications
J Chang (Nat'l Tsing Hua U), Searching on lepton-jet, photon-jet signature for the Weinberg's Goldstone Boson Model at the LHC.
Recently Weinberg suggested that Goldstone bosons arising from the spontaneous breakdown of a hidden global symmetry can interact weakly in the early Universe and account for a fraction of the effective number of neutrino species Neff, which has been reported persistently 1σ away from its expected value of three. In this work, we study the collider phenomenology of the model. We consider the experimental constraints on this model and the branching ratios of the associated light scalar field σ. We found that there are some corners in the parameter space that the scalar field σ can decay into a pair of muons or pions. The σ can be produced in the decays of the Higgs boson, which can be produced directly in gluon fusion or in association with a gauge boson. If the σ field is much lighter than the Higgs boson, e.g., in sub-GeV region, we can have the lepton-jet or photon-jet signatures. Focusing on these interesting signatures, we show the potential of testing the Weinberg Goldstone Model at the LHC-8 and LHC-14.
CF Chang (Nat'l Taiwan Normal U), Multilepton Higgs Decays through the Dark Portal
The $U(1)_D$ gauge sector containing one dark Higgs boson $h_D$ and one dark photon $gamma_D$ may be explored through the decays of the 126 GeV particle discovered at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), assumed here as the heavier mass eigenstate $h_1$ in the mixing of the standard model $h$ with $h_D$. The various decays of $h_1$ to $gamma_D gamma_D$, $h_2 h_2$, $h_2 gamma_D gamma_D$ and $h_2 h_2 h_2$ would yield multilepton final states through the mixing of $gamma_D$ with the photon and the decay $h_2 to gamma_D gamma_D$, where $h_2$ is the lighter dark Higgs. Future detailed studies at the LHC may reveal the existence of this possible dark sector governed simply by the original Abelian Higgs model.
R Dhir (Yonsei U), Axial-vector emitting decays of heavy flavor baryons
We obtain the first estimates of branching ratios of axial-vector emitting decays of heavy flavor baryons. We use factorization scheme and pole model approaches to evaluate W-emission and W-exchange processes, respectively. We study the contributions of W-exchange diagrams which unlike meson sector play a significant role in weak hadronic decays of heavy flavor baryons.
S Gupta (Yonsei U), S3 symmetry in neutrino mass matrix and renormalization group effects
Abstract We explore the feasibility of the discrete flavor symmetry S3 in the neutrino mass matrix present at the grand unified scale (Lambda_{GUT}). We systematically analyze the quantum corrections in seesaw scenario where heavy right handed mass matrix is hierarchical.
J Heo (Yonsei U), Triplet Dark Matter from leptogenesis
18:30 - 21:30
W Lee (CQUEST, Sogang U), From zero to eternity: The nucleation of a false vacuum bubble
We investigate the nucleation process for the possible types of vacuum bubbles. We classify false vacuum bubbles of a self-gravitating scalar field with compact geometries. We show that there exist numerical solutions representing the tunneling from the true vacuum state to the false vacuum state. The solutions are possible only gravity taken into account. We present the analytic computations for the radius and nucleation rate of a vacuum bubble using the thin-wall approximation. We discuss possible cosmological implications of our solutions.
H Nakajima (Nat'l Taiwan U), Twisted N = 4 Super Yang-Mills Theory in Omega-background
We study the twisted N = 4 super Yang-Mills theories in the Omega-background with the constant R-symmetry Wilson line gauge field. Based on the classification of topological twists of N = 4 supersymmetry (the half, the Vafa-Witten and the Marcus twists), we construct the deformed off-shell supersymmetry associated with the scalar supercharges for these twists. We find that the Omega-deformed action is written in the exact form with respect to the scalar supercharges as in the undeformed case.
YS Jeong (Yonsei U), Dipole Cross Section in DIS
We study the dipole cross section in deep inelastic scattering at small x. At the very small x, DGLAP equation fails due to the saturation effect. In the color dipole model, which can be used as an alternative approach, the structure function is related with the virtual photon wave function and the dipole cross section. We investigate the way to extract the dipole cross section from the parameterization of the structure function F_2.
DW Jung (KIAS), Higgs-dilaton(radion) system confronting the LHC Higgs data
We consider the Higgs-dilaton(radion) system using the trace of energy-momentum tensor (Tμμ) with the full Standard Model (SM) gauge symmetry GSM ≡ SU (3)c ×SU (2)L ×U (1)Y , and compare with the earlier studies based on the Tμμ with the unbroken subgroup HSM ≡ SU (3)c × U (1)em of GSM . After electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB), the SM Higgs boson and dilaton(radion) will mix with each other, and there appear two Higgs-like scalar bosons. Higgs-dilaton mixing changes the scalar phenomenology in interesting ways. The signal strengths for the gg-initiated channels could be modified significantly compared with the SM predictions due to the QCD scale anomaly and Higgs-dilaton mixing, whereas anomaly contributions are almost negligible for other channels. We also discuss the self couplings and the signal strengths of the 126 GeV scalar boson in various channels and possible constraints from the extra light/heavy scalar. It is shown that the model has plentiful of distinctive features in the case that heavy mode is identified as the observed 126 GeV boson, though it is not viable in the opposite case.
S Jung (KIAS), Gaugino physics at the LHC and future proton colliders
Discovery of the Higgs boson and lack of discovery of superpartners in the first run at LHC are predictions of split supersymmetry. We discuss what it would take to find gauginos and higgsinos at hadron (super)colliders, including the LHC at 14 TeV center of mass energy, and future pp colliders at 100 TeV and 200 TeV. Two limiting cases with squeezed or heavy spectrum are focus of our work. We also generalize the discussion by re-expressing the search capacity in terms of gluino to lightest superpartner mass ratio, and apply results to other scenarios, such as gauge mediation and mirage mediation.
S Kumar (Yonsei U), Corrections for tribimaximal, bimaximal and democratic neutrino mixing matrices.
In this work we analyze the corrections to tribimaximal (TBM), bimaximal (BM) and democratic (DC) mixing matrices for explaining large reactor mixing angle (13) and checking the consistency with other neutrino mixing angles.
AL Kuo (Nat'l Central U), Higgs boson and vector boson fusion processes at LHC
We discuss how weak boson scattering processes are modified in models with an extended Higgs sector. After showing their diminishing possibility in view of latest Higgs data, we concentrate on the effects of modified hVV couplings at lower energies. We demonstrate how one can detect such new Higgs effects through vector boson fusion processes at the LHC.
12th (Wed)
08:30 - 11:30
HB Kim (Hanyang U), Search for the UHECR sources: the current status
I review the current experimental status of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) and focus on the efforts to identify the sources of UHECRs through the analysis of arrival directions and composition.
UK Yang (SNU), Searches for Heavy Neutrinos at the LHC
The discovery of neutrino oscillation suggests the existance of right-handed neutrinos. Extentensive searches for right-handed heavy neutrinos at the LHC have been carried out. I present the results of the searchs, especially Majorana neutrinos at the LHC.
WJ Lee (SNU), Recent progress in epsilon_K determination in lattice QCD
HS Min (U of Seoul),SL(2,R) invariant action for dilaton-axion-electrodynamics with sources
For the dilaton-axion-electrodynamics in the presence of both electric and magnetic sources, we formulate a local, manifestly duality-symmetric, Zwanziger-type action by introducing two vector potentials. It is generalized to the nonlinear Born-Infeld type theory.
K Lee (KIAS), The 6d (1,0) and (2,0) Superconformal Field Theories
13th (Thu)
08:30 - 11:30
HS Lee (College of William and Mary / Jefferson Lab), Searching for Dark Force
I will overview the physics of light dark force carrier and its searches in the laboratories. Dark force is a relatively new concept introduced to explain some dark matter related phenomena. It is supposed to be light and extremely weakly couple to the Standard Model particles. I will discuss its implications for the low energy experiments as well as for the high energy laboratories, with examples from my own researches.
HM Lee (Chung-Ang U), Gravity-mediated dark matter confronts astrophysical data
We consider the astrophysical bounds on a new form of dark matter, the so called Gravity-mediated Dark Matter. In this scenario, dark matter communicates with us through a mediator sector composed of gravitational resonances, namely a new scalar (radion) and a massive spin-two resonance (massive graviton). We consider specific models motivated by natural electroweak symmetry breaking or weak-scale dark matter in the context of models in warped extra-dimensions and their composite duals. The main Dark Matter annihilation mechanism is due to the interactions of KK gravitons to gauge bosons that propagate in bulk. We impose the bounds on monochromatic or continuum photons from Fermi-LAT and HESS. We also explore scenarios in which the Fermi gamma-ray line could be a manifestation of Gravity-mediated Dark Matter.
S Baek (KIAS), Models for Dark Matter and Neutrino Masses
WI Park (KIAS), Dark matter from a gauged hidden sector
We will discuss about a scenario of dark matter in which a hidden sector, where dark matter reside, respects an unbroken gauge symmetry guaranteeing the stability of dark matter. Various phenomenological aspects of the scenario will be discussed.
C Yu (KIAS), Inert doublet model with U(1) Higgs symmetry
18:30 - 21:30
M Hazumi (KEK), CMB polarization experiments
Cosmological inflation, which is the leading hypothesis to resolve the problems in the Big Bang theory, predicts that primordial gravitational waves were created during the inflationary era. Measurements of polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation are known as the best probe to detect the primordial gravitational waves. While the discovery of gravitational waves would in itself be a landmark event, it would also have a profound impact on cosmology; this is because it would allow us to determine the energy scale of the inflation. From the viewpoint of high-energy physics, the energy scale of the grand unified theories (GUTs) is a natural energy scale for the occurrence of inflation. Further, next-generation CMB polarization experiments are expected to be sufficiently sensitive to explore the GUT scale. Therefore, CMB polarization is a unique tool for studies in both cosmology and high-energy physics. In this review, the current experimental status and prospects of future projects for CMB polarization measurements will be discussed. Other scientific topics that can be addressed from precise measurements of CMB polarization, including constraints on the sum of neutrino masses, will also be described.
Y Song (KASI), Progresses in observational cosmology
JO Gong (APCTP), Lessons and chanllenges from PLANCK
Cosmic inflation is an add-on to the standard hot big bang cosmology to provide otherwise finely tuned initial conditions such as the homogeneity of the universe. Furthermore, during inflation the quantum fluctuations on tiny scales are stretched to become the seed of large scale structure we observe today. I will present the basic idea how cosmological perturbations are generated and evolve during and after inflation, and then describe the recent challenges in the light of the precise observations on the cosmic microwave background by the PLANCK satellite.
QG Huang (ITP-CAS), Inflation without inflaton
14th (Fri)
08:30 - 11:30
S Kuwakino (Chung Yuan Christian U), Three-generation models in heterotic asymmetric orbifolds
We consider heterotic string theories compactified on asymmetric orbifolds. Narain lattices which can be starting points for orbifold construction are obtained by utilizing the lattice engineering technique. Gauge symmetry breaking patterns are also considered. We construct three-generation SUSY SM and left-right symmetric models in the framework of Z3 asymmetric orbifolds. Some models possess a gauge flavor symmetry for the Z3 twisted matter.
RH Li (Yonsei U), On the decays of B meson to a tensor and a vector meson
Motivated by the experimental data, we study charmless $B_{u,d,s}to VT$ ($V$ and $T$ denote light vector and tensor mesons respectively) decays in the perturbative QCD approach. The predictions of branching ratios, polarization fractions and direct CP violations are given in detail. Specifically, within this approach we have calculated the polarization fractions and the branching ratios of $Bto phi(K_2^{*-}, bar K_2^{*0})$ which agree well with the observed experimental data, however the branching ratios of $Bto omega(K_2^{*-}, bar K_2^{*0})$ are hard to be explained, where the polarization fractions are well accommodated. The tree dominated channels with a vector meson emitted have longitudinal polarization fraction of $90%$, while the penguin dominating ones have subtle polarization fractions. Fortunately, most branching ratios of $B_{u,d}$ decays are of the order $10^{-6}$, which would be straight forward for experimental observations. For the $B_s$ decays the branching ratios can reach the order of $10^{-6}$ in tree dominated decays, while in penguin dominated decays those are of order of $10^{-7}$ which require more experimental data to be observed.
CT Lu (Nat'l Tsing Hua U), Probing the Top Yuakawa Coupling in Associated Higgs production with a Single Top Quark
Associated production of the Higgs boson with a single top quark proceeds through Feynman diagrams, which are either proportional to the hWW, top Yukawa, or the bottom Yukawa coupling. It was shown in literature that the interference between the top-Yukawa and the gauge-Higgs diagrams can be signi cant, and thus the measurement of the cross sections can help pin down the sign and the size of the top-Yukawa coupling. Here we perform a comprehensive study of such a possibility at the LHC-14 within the current allowed range of hWW and top-Yukawa couplings. We found that the LHC-14 has the potential to distinguish the sign of the top-Yukawa coupling.
TT Nguyen (Yonsei U), SU(3)_C x SU(3)_L x U(1)_X x U(1)_N model
We study the SU(3)_C x SU(3)_L x U(1)_X x U(1)_N model in which the extra U(1)_N symmetry behaves as a gauge symmetry, N=B-L+2/sqrt{3}T_8. W-parity, resulting from broken B-L, similar to R-parity in supersymmetry, is conserved. We chose a specific fermion content in which all particles that have wrong lepton numbers are odd under W parity. The lightest wrong-lepton- number particle can be dark matter candidate. The three Higgs triplets, chi, eta, rho, and one Higgs singlet, phi, are introduced to give mass for all fermions and gauge bosons in this model. The right handed neutrinos get Majorana masses in order of . The decay of Majorana neutrinos generates the lepton asymmetry.
C Park (Yonsei U), Search for exotic lepton-like particle X in B+ -> l+ X decays at Belle
This search aims to expect the Branching Fraction of B+ -> l+ X that is leptonic decay of B meson where X is not in the Standard Model. We use data and MC samples based on a data sample of 711 fb^(-1) collected at the Y(4S) resonance energy, recorded by KEKB energy asymmetric e+e- collider. They are selected and analyzed through hadronic tagging method for obtaining high purity due to effective background suppression. In this workshop, we will show preliminary results of Belle.
N Sharma, Orbitally Excited Meson Emitting Decays of Bc
We study Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa favored weak decays of Bc mesons in the non relativistic quark model framework. We present a detailed analysis of the Bc meson decaying to one or two orbitally excited mesons in the final state. We obtain the transition form factors and consequently, predict the branching ratios of these decay channels.
18:30 - 21:30
P Sharma (KIAS), Search for a doubly-charged boson in four lepton final states in type II seesaw
CMS and ATLAS have searched for a doubly-charged boson H±± which may arise from type II seesaw in the 7 TeV run at the LHC by considering pair or associated production of doubly-charged bosons under the assumption of degenerate triplet scalars. In this work, we consider non-degenerate triplet components with the mass gap ΔM∼1−40 GeV which leads to enhanced pair-production cross-sections of H±± added by the gauge decays of the heavier neutral and singly-charged bosons. We reevaluate the constraints in the ΔM−MH++ plane depending on the triplet vacuum expectation value vΔ in the type II seesaw model which are much more stringent than the current search limits. We further study the possibility of observing same-sign tetra-lepton signals in the allowed parameter space which can be probed in the future runs of the LHC.
Y Tang (KIAS), U(1) vector dark matter and its indirect signatures
We investigate the indirect signatures from the higgs portal U(1) vector dark matter. This vector dark matter is stable at the cosmological time scale although it can be induced to decay by some higher order operators. If the dimensional six operators are suppressed by GUT scale, the decay width is just right for explaining the recent observed positron excess in cosmic ray. We also give one UV-complete model as an example and show the spectra of positron and electron.
K Yagyu (Nat'l Central U), Radiative Generation of the Lepton Mass
We propose a new mechanism where both Dirac masses for the charged-leptons and Majorana masses for neutrinos are generated at the one-loop level. The charged-lepton masses are given by the vacuum expectation values (VEVs) of the Higgs doublet field and that of a triplet field. On the other hand, neutrino masses are generated by two VEVs of triplet Higgs fields. As a result, the hierarchy between the masses for charged-leptons and neutrinos can be explained by the triplet VEVs which have to be much smaller than the doublet VEV due to the constraint from the electroweak rho parameter. We construct a concrete model realizing this mechanism, in which the deviation in the measured muon anomalous magnetic moment from the standard model prediction can be explained by loop effects of extra particles. The collider phenomenology is also discussed, especially focusing on doubly-charged scalar bosons which are necessary to introduce to happen our mechanism.
Y Yook (Yonsei U), Purely leptonic decays of B meson at Belle
We search for the $B^+ to e^+nu_e$ and $B^+ to mu^+ nu_mu$ decays, using the full $Upsilon(4S)$ data sample collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+ e^-$ collider, corresponding to $772times 10^6~Bbar{B}$ pairs. We fully reconstruct a $B$-meson from the $Upsilon(4S)to Bbar{B}$ decay in hadronic modes to analyze the signal decay in the recoiling $B$-meson. Finding no evidence of signal in any of the lepton modes, we determine the upper limits of the corresponding branching fractions as ${cal B}(B^+to e^+nu_e < 3.5 times 10^{-6}$ and ${cal B}(B^+to mu^+nu_mu < 2.5 times 10^{-6}$ at $90%$ confidence level.
YW Yoon (KIAS), Analytic Extraction of IR and UV divergences in multiloop diagram
It is essential to extract explicitly IR and UV divergences in higher order correction in many collider processes. We propose a new expansion method to extract 1/epsilon poles in general multiloop diagrams. We aim for analytic calculation of each coefficient in epsilon expansion contrary to previous expansion method ‘Sector Decomposition’ which is widely used for numerical computation of multiloop diagram. In order to illustrate the features of our expansion method, we present several examples of one loop and two loop diagrams.
SF Li (Nat'l Taiwan U), CP Violation In B^0_s→K^−Π^+, B^0→K^+Π^− Decays And Tests For SU(3) Flavor Symmetry Predictions
The LHCb collaboration has recently measured the first direct CP violation in B^0_s decays with a rate asymmetry A_{CP} (B^0_s → K^−π^+) = 0.27 ± 0.04(stat) ± 0.01(syst). At the same time they also made the most precise measurement for A_{CP} (B0 → K+π−) = −0.080 ± 0.007(stat) ±0.003(syst). These data confirm the predicted relation, A_{CP} (B^0 → K^+π^−)/A_{CP} (B^0_s → K^−π^+) =−Br(B^0_s → K^−π^+)τ_{B^0}/Br(B^0 → K^+π^−)τ_{B^0_s}, in the standard model with SU(3) flavor symmetry. We discuss possible modifications due to SU(3) breaking effects to this relation. There are several other similar relations in B decays. Using current available data we study whether relevant relations hold in B^0 and B^0_s to P P and P V decays. Here P and V indicate pesudoscalar and vector mesons in the flavor octet representations.
Enkhbat (IPT), Higgs pair production at LHC and ILC from general potential
Higgs cubic coupling plays a crucial role in probing an origin of electroweak symmetry breaking. It is expected that the cubic coupling is measured by Higgs pair production at the LHC and ILC, and the deviations from the standard model can be extracted from the Higgs pair production process, and those can give us a hint of new physics beyond the standard model. We consider a general potential that achieves the suitable electroweak symmetry breaking. As one of the interesting models, we suggest a nonperturbative Higgs model in which a runaway type of potential is used. In the model, the cross sections of pair production at the LHC are enlarged compared to the standard model. We also study the Higgs pair production induced by a noncanonical kinetic term of Higgs fields which will be important for searching the pair production at the ILC.
15th (Sat)
8:30 - 11:30
In this talk, I discuss two simple extensions of the Higgs sector, one with a singlet scalar, and the other with extra Higgs doublets. I discuss both the physics motivations for these two extensions, and their phenomenological implications.
CR Chen (NTNU), Little Higgs model dark matter and its implications at the LHC
I will discuss the collider phenomenology and dark matter searches for Little Higgs dark matter after the discovery of the light 125 GeV scalar.
XG He (NCTS), A large electron EDM and minimal flavor violation
Kim Hanjin (Yonsei U), Inclusive B -> Xs gamma using full-recon at Belle
We present an inclusive study on the measurement of the branching fraction of the radiative B meson decay $bto s gamma$, using the full data sample collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+ e^-$ collider, corresponding to $722times 10^5 Bbar{B}$ pairs. One of the B mesons in the $Upsilon to Bbar{B}$ decay is fully reconstructed in hadronic modes, and the radiative photon is sought in the decay of the other B meson. We plan to obtain the CP asymmetry and the isospin asymmetry according to the measured photon energy spectrum.
Heo Junhyung (Yonsei U), Search for B0 -> l+ tau- using full-recon at Belle
We present the study of the leptonic B meson decay, B to l tau from Belle experiment. This study is done by using MC samples. They are tagged by hadronic tagging method(full-recon method).