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List of Posters (abstract book download)
1. Quantifying the ion atmosphere of unfolded, random-coil nucleic acids - David Jacobson
2. Electrostatic effects on hyaluronic acid elastic behavior - John Berezney
3. Effects of Counterion Condensation on the Electrophoresis of DNA - Pyeong Jun Park
4. Destabilizationof i-motif by Sub-molar Concentrations of a Monovalent Cation - SungEun Kim
5. The effect of cisplatin on nucleosomal DNA - Hyeon-Min Moon
6. Sequence-specific DNA looping by mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) - Divakaran Murugesapillai
7. Elastic correlations in di-nucleosome structure - Fatemeh Khodabandeh
8. Tension-induced Binding of Semiflexible Biopolymers - Panayotis Benetatos
9. Cantilevered PEDOT Fibers for Sub-Celluar Force Measurement - Govind Paneru
10. Polyelectrolyte Brushes in Multivalent Salt Solutions: Bridging Effects - Blair Kathryn Brettmann
11. Study on the folding of a group II intron ribozyme – The effects of crowding agents and mutations - Erica Fiorini
12. Analyzing dynamic heterogeneity in single molecule experiment - Wonseok Hwang
13. Simulation of FRET Dyes with Native Structure-based Models - Ines Reinartz
14. Mechanical control of folding pathway of DNA origami structures - Kipom Kim
15. Velocity distribution of Kinesin is bimodal under load - Huong Vu
16. Following the steps of dynein: Explaining dynein’s step size distribution using analytical models - Yonathan Goldtzvik
17. Unfolding Mechanism of Myosin VI Proximal Tail - Mauro L. Mugnai
18. LINE1 retrotransposition in human cells requires rapid ORF1p oligomerization - M. Nabuan Naufer
19. Implementing a Model Force Field for tRNA Translocation through a Nanopore - Prasad Bandarkar
20. Structure and dynamics of intrinsically disordered linkers in multidomain proteins - Sebastian L. B. König
21. Understanding structural mechanism of β2-adrenergic receptor with water dynamics - Songmi Kim
22. New Materials For Gene Delivery In Difficult-To-Transfect Cell Lines - Spencer Brucks
23. Study on determining the average size and structures of nanoparticles - Sujan Dhungana
24. Biosorption of zinc (II) metal onto raw and modified coconut husks and tea waste - Surendra K. Gautam
25. Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline zinc selenide - Dipak Koirala
26. Dynamics of Water Molecules Binding to Magnesium or Sodium Ions - Yuno Lee
27. Curvature Asymmetry in Water Coalescence - Su Jin Lim
28. Self-propelled motion of reactive droplets - In Gyu Hwang
29. Slowly drying of dense coffee droplets - Jin Young Kim
30. Measuring mechanical properties of live cells and artificial lipid vesicles reinforced by ECM network - Serin Lee
31. Formation of ECM-binding liposome; ECM Cellular Delivery - Sojeong Nam
32. Gelation-induced crack prevention in colloidal films - Seul-a Ryu
33. Revisiting the fundamental origin of aromatic interaction - Hankyul Lee
34. Recapitulation of Cell Surface Glycan Presentations using Multivalent Glycomaterials for Study of Influenza A Virus Specificity - Chris Fisher
35. Single molecule Raman scattering spectroscopy under high pressure - Yuanxi Fu
36. Microrheology of semi-dilute aqueous solutions of polyethylene oxide probed by an optically trapped micro-bead - Chong Shen